Marettimo Residence

Events and Workshops

Marettimo Residence is the ideal place to welcome groups for Yoga or holistic disciplines courses and retreats

“Immersed in the Blue, in its infinite movement YOGA is like a common thread.

The wave of the sea, like the wave of Breath, moves non-stop, giving us rebalance, energy, strength.

Yoga, breaths and moments of silence in places full of vibrant energy, to realign your entire being towards a state of harmony...

A Yoga Holiday is not only a moment to unplug but also a Great Gift...

To recharge physically, emotionally, mentally and become capable of remaining happy.” 

On a holiday in the YOGA spirit, the whole body, mind and spirit rediscover the Path of Serenity: the magical sharing in the group brings us back to human contact, to the sense of Union, to listening, to availability and to the sharing of the emotions experienced. Being in contact with Nature is good for your Nature... The absence of cars, and moving around on foot, arouses in all of us who are often overwhelmed by the frenzy of modern life for much of the year, a pleasant sensation of " disorientation".
You can enjoy the silence that envelops these places broken only by the cries of the seagulls, the hiss of the wind and the lapping of the waves crashing on the rocks, the sky and the intense blue sea, walks in nature to connect to the deepest part of themselves. In a place where the impact of man is negligible, where impervious nature dominates. To bring you back to your Essence.

Couple cooking class


Cooking class dedicated to couples. Targeted recipes for a romantic evening and a menu designed to be cooked for two consisting of a starter, main course and dessert.
The lovers will spend a few hours together in the kitchen and learn to cook lively, colorful and imaginative dishes with the best ingredients that the island of Marettimo and Sicily make available. Many of these ingredients such as aromatic herbs, citrus fruits and vegetables will be collected by the couple, under the supervision of the chef, in the Mediterranean garden and in the vegetable garden of the Residence and then subsequently used in the various preparations.
The course lasts approximately 3 hours.
Maximum participants 8 people.
